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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

 1. Laugh in the places you’ve cried. Change the narrative.

2. Stop comparing yourself to strangers on the internet.

3. In a world where everyone wears a mask, it’s a privilege to see a soul.

4. Faces are never ugly or beautiful, minds are.

5. Your energy is currency. Spend it well. Invest it wisely.

6. Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

7. It’s okay to disconnect from everyone to connect back to yourself.

8. You can become happy just by deciding to be happy.

9. Loneliness cannot create love, it creates need. Love is not a need.

10. You need to start speaking your love language to yourself too.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


  • In North Korea and Cuba you cannot buy Coca-Cola.
  • The biggest commercial in history lasted 14 hours.
  • Nike logo design cost $35
  • The entire population of the world can enter Los Angeles.
  • There are more tourists in France than in any other country.
  • You won't be able to endure the quietest place on Earth for more than 45 minutes.
  • Some of the smaller people live in Indonesia.
  • The quietest room in the world is in Microsoft's offices in Washington State.
  • Four babies are born every second.
  • The letter "x" was primarily used to symbolize a kiss in 1763.
  • No one knows how William Shakespeare's name is actually spelled—and neither does he.
  • The longest word in English has 189,819 letters.
  • The word "SWIMS" still remains "SWIMS" when flipped. (ndt: swims = to swim in the 3rd person singular in the present simple)
  • Japan is the most earthquake-prone country.
  • South Sudan is the country with the youngest population.
  • More than 52% of the world's population is under 30 years old.
  • Facebook has more users than the population of the United States, China and Brazil combined.
  • About two people die every second.
  • Every day we take about 22,000 breaths.
  • Air pollution now kills more people than tobacco.
  • The tomato is legally a vegetable.
  • Albert Einstein declined the presidency of Israel.
  • The flag of the United States of America was drawn by a high school student.
  • Trailers originally aired after the film.
  • Potato chips cause more weight gain than any other food.
  • Cell phones are full of bacteria.
  • Bees can detect bombs.
  • Honey does not expire.
  • An 18-inch pizza holds more pizza than two 12-inch pizzas.
  • There are more people living in Bangladesh than in Russia.
  • If Facebook were a country, it would have a billion more inhabitants than China.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

1. We are the last generation that knows what life was like before social media.

2. The purpose of a lock is to turn a door into a wall.

3. When people think about traveling to the past, they worry about accidentally change the present, but no one in the present really thinks they can radically change the future.

4. Most of the sky is actually below your feet.

5. Smoking is good for the environment because it kills human beings.

6. When you’re a kid playing Truth or Dare, Dare is the scary option. When you’re an adult it’s Truth.

7. Blankets aren’t warm, we are.

8. Most of us have never been naked for 24 hours straight in our life.

9. At the age of 30, you’ve spent a month having birthdays.

10. When you buy and eat half a chicken, you are secretly sharing a meal with a stranger.

11. When you drink alcohol, you are just borrowing happiness from tomorrow.

Weird but true

Friday, July 8, 2022


  1. Switch off your mobile phone or enable flight mode at the time of sleep , but there are some conditions if you are living with family then it's ok ,but if you are living alone or away from your family then don't prefer it ,instead put your phone atleast 2 metre away from your head/pillow
  2. Always drink water in a sitting posture & chew churn foods 15–20 times before swallowing
  3. Walk daily atleast for 15-20 minutes & if walking in park then prefer bare foot
  4. Whenever leaving for somewhere At late evening/night or visiting new place ,share your details and live locations with your closed ones or with whom you used to stay in touch on a daily basis .
  5. Keep learning anything new , learning any skills, and keeping update yourself with current/ events issues news .
  6. Get some time daily for physical exercise & mental exercises, pranayams,
  7. While using basin don't keep the tap open with running water , while washing face, brushing teeth, dishwashing ,save water save earth 🌍.
  8. Don't waste a bit of food niether at your home in your plate nor at any occasion/ marriage party .. the amount you would waste are the amount a hunger could be feeded .
  9. Always have a first aid box at your home with some emergency medicines. While on travel keep some medicines for fever, vomiting,loose motions, headache, allergies .( I won't recommend the names on this platform)
  10. And at last one habbit is Don't hesitate to upvote ⬆️ the answer you found worth !!!!
Sunday, July 3, 2022


Did you know that when you sleep you place your hands on the parts of the body that require healing?

1. Above your head: you seek greater spiritual connection.

2. In the chest: you have feelings that you still need to heal.

3. Stomach: anger & furious feelings.

4. Between the legs: fear, feelings of emptiness.

5. Sex organs or near them: sexual problems and lack of expression.

6. Under your pillow: hidden emotions, not showing what we really feel or our true intentions.

7. Hugging yourself: lack of affection or support from your loved ones.

8. Shoulders: exhaustion, lack of


9. The hands between the head and the pillow: there is tranquility within you.

If you don’t place your hands on your body while sleeping it means you are fine and in peace with yourself.

If you hug your partner, It means nothing but the love you have for them.

Thursday, June 23, 2022


  1. If it means something to you, fight for it till the end.
  2. You have to step out of your comfort zone to get success.
  3. Excuses make you weak.
  4. Travelling makes your soul alive.
  5. It's ok to be different. Eagles never run in the race of dogs.
  6. Money isn't the answer but it makes a difference.
  7. Do what you love and love what you do.
  8. Most people are scared of using their imagination.
  9. Perception is reality.
  10. Everything is temporary. Your good times are temporary and so are your bad ones.
  11. The best way to deal with toxic people is to cut them out of your life as soon as possible.
  12. Never take big decisions of your life on jealousy.
  13. Stop wasting your energy by reacting to toxic people comments.
  14. Crying isn't a sign of weakness.
  15. Life isn't fair, it never was and never will.
  16. Never compare your stars with somebody else sparkles. We all shine differently.
  17. Never stop learning and growing in life.
  18. Motivation comes from meaning. Everything comes from meaning.
  19. “When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.”
Wednesday, June 1, 2022


  1. He said, “I am not God. I am not a Deva. Nor am I a Human… I am the Awakened one, who has seen the Truth of the world.”
  2. He did a meticulous analysis of his mind in such a way that he was able to count all the atoms in his body.
  3. He said, “Nothing in this world is solid.” The modern meaning of which is that everything is made up of atoms and these atoms are repeatedly broken down and reformed.
  4. He was famous for another reason that he taught people of all languages ​​in their own language whoever met him. Although he chose the Pali language of the common people during discoursing in the assembly.
  5. No animal would ever harm him while meditating in the deep forest. It is believed that the animals were attracted to him, they looked at him calmly because of the power of his Metta (amity, benevolence).
  6. He gave the theory of rebirth. He observed himself spontaneously and said that he had become the ‘Buddha’ in this birth because of the good deeds of all previous births.
  7. He said that the ultimate goal of life is Nibbana, which means liberation from the cycle of life and death.
  8. A serial killer like Angulimala who killed 999 people, city prostitute like Amrapali, controversialist like Saccaka and Upali who challenged Buddha, all of them were initiated into his religion and became Arhants!
  9. From a very young age he would never make jokes, never gossiped, never made fun, but always had a glimpse of smile on his face that fascinated everyone.
  10. One day, while he was going for alms, a little boy picked up a bowl of dust in front of Buddha. Buddha smiled softly and took the alms bowl forward. When Ananda asked the reason for Buddha's laughter, Buddha said, “This boy will reborn in the city of Pataliputta two and half years after my parinibbana (death) and will be the chakkavatti (wheel turning) emperor and will make history by building 84,000 metal temples and shrines for the benefit of Buddhist rule.” He was no one else, the emperor Great Ashoka!
  11. He had a very good look, blue eyes, broad shoulders, long ears, mild crimped hair and was full of benevolence and mercy. It is said that a bright halo would come out of his fair body (the complexion appeared clearer and brighter on two occasions, before the moment of enlightenment and before the moment of parinibbana).
  12. He was born (623 BCE), enlightened (588 BCE) and attained parinibbana (543 BCE) on the same day. This day is the full moon day of Vesakha (May).
  13. Among Buddha's many disciples, Ananda stood out for having the best memory. Most of the texts of the early Buddhist Sutta Piṭaka are attributed to his pure recollection of Buddha's teachings during the First Buddhist Council.
  14. Today his religion is considered the most scientific religion and there are some variations of it, it happened over time. Buddha gave such knowledge of mind and body as it really is, not in the way of any religious belief!
  15. The monk has always fasted in his life and taught by traveling long distances on foot till his parinibbana.
  16. After attaining enlightenment, he reunited with his family and guided his father, mother, wife and son to Nibbana. Happy family!
  17. This great scientist was born more than 2600 years ago and his non-violence, Metta teaching and meditation techniques are still practiced which is appreciated all over the world.

18.  The most fascinating thing about Buddha is that we can see him as a Human like us!

A man with a beautiful mind. He is not God, nor a god, nor a prophet. He is perfect just as a human being. Lived and died like human beings. There is no promise of heaven in his religion. No threat of hell. No need to pray. No compulsory to follow him. No mandatory rituals.

Following his teachings makes one a better person. The Dhamma is not harmed if one does not follow it. He/she will just miss the opportunity to be a better human.

Thursday, April 14, 2022


  1. Don’t swim in an ice tub.
  2. Don’t post a really weird picture of yourself on Facebook.
  3. Don’t share a meal with a glutton.
  4. Don’t follow your heart and forget your head.
  5. Don’t sleep in a lion's den.
  6. Never try to tame a hyena.
  7. Don’t blame everyone else for your problems.
  8. Don’t define yourself by the things you read online.
  9. Don’t break the heart of someone who loves you dearly.
  10. Never enter your private info into a "You-won-a-FREE iPAD!" scam.
  11. Don’t wake up your neighbors singing in the middle of the night at 2:00 am.
  12. Don’t run away from your wife and kids.
  13. Don’t apologize for doing the right thing.
  14. Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  15. Don’t meddle in the affairs of other people.
  16. Don’t allow anyone else to define what success means for you.
  17. Don’t impersonate a police officer.
  18. Never regret trying out new things, whether you succeed or fail.
  19. Don’t pronounce a woman’s name wrongly more than three times.
  20. Don’t mix your professional life with your private life.
  21. Don’t emphasize your work over your family.Wha
Wednesday, March 23, 2022


  1. Family over society
  2. Parents over anyone
  3. Brother over friends
  4. Career over love
  5. Care over gifts
  6. Good friends over fake followers
  7. Quality education over degrees
  8. Text over video
  9. Good Boss over good job
  10. Health over money
  11. Discipline over time-table
  12. Courage over Fear
  13. Mentally strong over emotional fool
  14. Positive talks over negative thoughts
  15. Mind over heart
  16. Honestly over lie
  17. Hard-work over just dreaming
  18. Real over reel
  19. Smart-work over shortcuts
  20. Enlightenment over rumour
  21. Peace over prestige
  22. Calm over anger
  23. Forgiveness over fight
  24. Reality over social media
  25. Real heroes over popular celebrities
  26. Comfort over fashion
  27. Asset over liabilities
  28. Satisfaction over wants
  29. Kind over Rich
  30. Polite over argue
  31. Long-term vision over short-term achievements
  32. Doers over thinkers
  33. Inner beauty over physical attraction
  34. Second chance over suicide
Saturday, February 26, 2022

 All Hindu temples have a perimeter around the vigraha for parikrama (circumabulation) and the convention is to keep the object that is being respected “to the right” which is the meaning of pradakshina, a Samskritam word.

This mirrors the geometry of the Saptarishi Mandala in the night sky across the 4 seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall.

First, here is an image of the saptarshi mandala, commonly known in the western world as “the big dipper” comprised of multiple stars which form a panhandle:

Second, this is the configuration / orientation of the saptarishi mandala at different times of the year, in relation to the “pole star” or “Dhruva tara” (Dhruva nakshatra):

You will notice that this rotational pattern around the pole star is really just the Hindu svastika (sauvastika):

Dhruva nakshatra is one of the most important nakshatras in our calculations, because the entire night sky rotates around this star (due to the orientation of the earth in relation to it … it is directly above). The actual tilt of the earth’s axis produces a precession which is measured in relation to this dhruva nakshatra, resulting in the familiar 26,000 year cycle which measures the passage of the 4 yugas across history.

These astronomical cycles have tremendous significance in the changes in human consciousness, as per the changes in the yugas themselves: satya [krita] yuga, treta yuga, dvapara yuga, and kali yuga. The passage through these 4 yugas comprises a mahayuga. When 2000 cycles of these mahayugas have completed, this is one kalpa.

This svastika has many spiritual meanings, including ‘dharma’ and ‘kala’ (mahakala or ‘Great Time’). These 4 branches represent the 4 pillars or 4 legs of the Bull of Dharma. This svastika also symbolizes the sudharshana chakra of Sri Maha Vishnu.

The significance of Dhruva tara is understood when reading the related purana of the child sage Dhruva, who represents total bhakti (to Sri Maha Vishnu). Dhruva’s Narayana bhakti is most famous and became legend. It is that supreme bhakti which is the ultimate aim of Hindus. So the svastika symbolizes that bhakti, and the rotation (parikrama) “to the right” (pradakshina) keeping the ishta devata in the center, is the hidden inner meaning of this symbol. That bhakti is the highest goal, and is equivalent to moksha or mukthi. The physical action of circumambulation is a symbolic equivalent of seeking total freedom (mukthi) from the bondages of samsara. It is a silent prayer. When Hindus do ‘atma pradakshina’ this shows us our self (atma), if we pay attention to our awareness as we do it. This is atma darshana.

Whatever Hindus do has tremendous practical significance to the spiritual process. Nothing we do is meaningless. No words we use are meaningless or frivolous.

Here, Nilesh Oak walks us through the Hindu calendar:

You should also watch this:

Thursday, February 17, 2022

 The view of traditional Hinduism is that breatharianism, or indefinite survival on breath alone without the consumption of food, is possible. Prana from sunlight and Soma from moonlight alone can sustain one’s bodily life if assimilated efficiently enough. Hindu texts like the Patanjali Yoga Sutras state that the mastery of Samyama, the integration of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, liberates the yogi from the need to consume food for survival. It is the supreme level of self-control. Some call this practice Prana Yoga. Instead of eating, one practices deep breathing and sun-gazing at dawn and sunset. At the most advanced level even water is not needed.

This practice is referenced in various Hindu texts. For example in the Valmiki Ramayana, kanda 3, chapter 6, the ashrama of Sharabhanga is said to include “saints who live on rays of the sun and moon… whose nourishment is supplied by pure Prana” among its inhabitants. In chapter 11 the hermit Mandakarni is said to have lived for many years eating nothing but air. Such descriptions are common throughout the literature of Hinduism when describing the Tapasya of advanced ascetics.

Various modern yogis have practiced this technique as well, like Hari Giri Bala, Therese Neumann, Devraha Baba, Prahlad Jani, many Jain monks, and others.

However, the traditional view of Hinduism never recommends for people to try this practice. Forgoing food is obviously dangerous to one’s health. This is the kind of expert practice that should of course only be attempted under expert supervision, and it is not necessarily to the attainment of Moksha.