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Sunday, July 19, 2020

The name of the most strangest person is Bruce Jun Fan Lee (Lee Siu Loong),he was born in 1940 in San Francisco, CA while his parents were on tour with the Chinese Opera. Ultimately raised in Hong Kong,Bruce Lee was a revered martial artist, actor and filmmaker known for movies like 'Fists of Fury' and 'Enter the Dragon,' and the technique Jeet Kune Do.

Breaking Box Office Records

Lee signed a two-film contract, eventually bringing his family over to Hong Kong as well. The Big Boss, aka Fists of Fury in the U.S., was released in 1971 and featured Lee as the factory worker hero who has sworn off fighting yet enters combat to confront a murderous drug smuggling operation. Combining his smooth Jeet Kune Do athleticism with the high-energy theatrics of his performance in The Green Hornet, Lee was the charismatic center of the film, which set new box office records in Hong Kong.

Those records were broken by Lee's next film, Fist of Fury, aka The Chinese Connection (1972), which, like The Big Boss, received poor reviews from some critics upon the U.S. release.

By the end of 1972, Lee was a major movie star in Asia. He had co-founded with Raymond Chow his own company, Concord Productions, and had released his first directorial feature, Return of the Dragon. Though he had not yet gained stardom in America, he was poised on the brink with his first major Hollywood project, Enter the Dragon.

On July 20, 1973, just one month before the premiere of Enter the Dragon, Lee died in Hong Kong, China, at the age of 32.

#Bruce lee performed some incredible feats:-

He weighed only 130 pounds.

He had a punching power of 350 pounds.

Bruce Lee could do about 1500 push-ups in a row by two hands.

400 push-ups in a row by one hand, 200 push-ups by two-finger of one hand.

100 by the thumb of one hand. This record has not been broken by anyone.

He practiced 5000 punches a day and could give nine punches in one second.

Bruce Lee’s kicks were so fast for cameras that he was filmed in slow motion.

He could jump to 8 ft from a standstill

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Cosmic metrics

UnitDefinitionDivine YearsSolar Years[a]
Mahā-kalpa36000 Kalpa + 36000 Pralaya864000000000311040000000000
Mahā-pralayaMahā-kalpa length864000000000311040000000000
Parārdha12 Mahā-kalpa432000000000155520000000000
Kalpa1000 CY; 14 M + 15 MS120000004320000000
PralayaKalpa length120000004320000000
Manvantara [M]71 Catur-yuga852000306720000
Manvantara-sandhyā [MS]Kṛta-yuga length48001728000
Catur-yuga (Mahā-yuga) [CY]Kṛta + Tretā + Dvāpara + Kali yugas120004320000
Kṛta-yuga (Satya-yuga)parts48001728000
kṛta-yuga-sandhyā110 yuga length400144000
kṛta-yugakali-yuga length40001440000
kṛta-yuga-sandhyāṃśa110 yuga length400144000
tretā-yuga-sandhyā110 yuga length300108000
tretā-yugakali-yuga length30001080000
tretā-yuga-sandhyāṃśa110 yuga length300108000
dvāpara-yuga-sandhyā110 yuga length20072000
dvāpara-yugakali-yuga length2000720000
dvāpara-yuga-sandhyāṃśa110 yuga length20072000
kali-yuga-sandhyā110 yuga length10036000
kali-yugaBase unit1000360000
kali-yuga-sandhyāṃśa110 yuga length10036000

Sidereal metrics

Hindu measurements in logarithmic scale based on seconds
UnitDefinitionRelation to SI units
Trutiत्रुटिBase unit≈ 0.30 µs
Renuरेणु60 Truti≈ 18 µs
Lavaलव60 Renu≈ 1080 µs
Līkṣakaलीक्षक60 Lava≈ 64.8 ms
Liptaलिप्ता64.8 Leekshaka≈ 4.2 s
Palaपल60 Lipta≈ 30 s
Ghaṭiघटि31 Vighaṭi≈ 1.86 ks
Muhūrtaमुहूर्त2 Ghaṭi≈ 3.72 ks
Nakṣhatra Ahorātram
(sidereal day)
नक्षत्र अहोरात्रम्62 Ghaṭī≈ 86.4 ks
32 Muhūrta≈ 86.4 ks

According to Sūrya Siddhānta

UnitDefinitionRelation to SI units
TrutiBase unit≈ 29.6 µs
Tatpara100 Truti≈ 2.96 ms
Nimesha30 Tatpara≈ 88.9 ms
Kāṣṭhā18 Nimesha≈ 1.6 s
Kalā30 Kāṣṭhā≈ 48 s
Ghatika30 Kalā≈ 1.44 ks
Muhūrta2 Ghatika≈ 2.88 ks
(sidereal day)
30 Muhūrta≈ 86.4 ks

Small units of time used in the Vedas:

UnitDefinitionRelation to SI units
ParamāṇuBase unit≈ 25 µs
Aṇu2 Paramāṇu≈ 50 µs
Trasareṇu3 Aṇu≈ 151 µs
Truṭi3 Trasareṇu≈ 454 µs
Vedha100 Truṭi≈ 45 ms
Lava3 Vedha≈ 0.14 s
Nimeṣa3 Lava≈ 0.4 s
Kṣaṇa3 Nimesha≈ 1.22 s
Kāṣṭhā5 Kṣaṇa≈ 6 s
Laghu15 Kāṣṭhā≈ 92 s
Danda15 Laghu≈ 1.38 ks
Muhūrta2 Danda≈ 2.76 ks
Ahorātram31 Muhūrta≈ 86.4 ks
Masa (month)30 Ahorātram≈ 2592 ks
Ritu (season)2 Masa≈ 5184 ks
Ayana3 Ritu≈ 15552 ks
Samvatsara (year)2 Ayana≈ 31104 ks
Ahorātram of Deva

Lunar metrics

Consists of the following:

Tropical metrics

Consists of the following:

  • Yāma = ​14 of a day (light) or night = ​7 12 Ghatis (घटि) = ​3 34 Muhurtas = 3 Horas (होरा)tely 24 hours.
  • Eight Yāmas make a full day (day + night)
  • An Ahorātra is a tropical day (Note: A day is considered to begin and end at sunrise, not midnight.)
Yamaयाम14 of a day (light) or night≈ 3 hours
Sāvana Ahorātramसावन अहोरात्रम्8 Yamas1 Solar day

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
You see, Hinduism is a very old/ancient religion. The oldest Hindu deity idol excavated was traced back to 26,540 BCE. It was Kalpa Vigraha, a form of Lord Shiva. Kalpa Vigraha Oldest Hindu Idol of Lord Siva (26450 BC) - Archeology Around 1959-60, a heavy chest containing the idol was reportedly given to CIA officials for safekeeping at Lo Monthang (called “Mustang” in CIA files) by a Tibetan monk accompanied by Khampa bodyguards. (……) Radiocarbon (C14) dating conducted by the University of California Radiation Laboratory on the heavy 9-inch thick timber sides and lid of the chest in which it was discovered arrived at readings that indicated a period around 26,450 BCE. Even the well-known Indus Valley Civilization started in 3300 BCE, and they followed ancient Hinduism. Gradually Hindu religion expanded throughout South and Southeast Asia. This was the reach of Hindu civilization around 1250 BCE (represented with present-day borders). Tibet was a Hindu kingdom called “Trivishtapa” then. Buddha was born in 480 BCE, so Buddhism didn't exist during those days. And the Chinese Ming Dynasty came in 1368 AD, Qing came in 1644 AD. Before that, Tibet was an independent kingdom throughout history. An important place for Hindus , the Kailash Mountain and Mansarovar Lake, lies in Tibet, now China. Tibet was a part of our civilization. China is a newcomer to Tibet. Even the Tibetan alphabet is derived from Devanagari alphabet. Tibetan alphabet can well replicate Sanskrit texts, but Chinese characters can't replicate the proper pronunciation. Similarly the current day Afghanistan was a kingdom called Gandhara then. Again a Hindu kingdom. But Islamic rulers destroyed their culture and made it a fully Islamic Republic. Muhammad himself was born in 570AD, much later. Even Christianity is older than Islam by 570 years. Our traditional religions in Asia were much older. So there should not be any surprise why a Tibet-born deity became the supreme god aka Mahadeva. Hinduism's reach was much wider then, from Afghanistan to Indonesia (later became Islamic), from Tibet to Thailand (later became Buddhist).
Om is the original sound of creation Tat or Tut means That or That is Sat or Satya means which does not undergo change or it is everlasting. It is in a broader sense. Like when we say that Energy can not be created nor destroyed. It only changes its form. You can change microwave energy into kinetic energy or thermal energy, but sum total of energy always remains the same. Same way sum total consciousness of the universe remains the same. It might appear in different forms as material energy or individual consciousness but sum total is always the same. That is the meaning of Brahman, an unchanging reality. Sat is also translated as existence or Truth or that which exists ALL the time and does not disappear. Om Tat Sat is a mantra found in the ancient Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17, Verse 23. It means "Om, that is Truth", "Om, it is Reality", "Om it is good". It is the threefold designation of the Hindu metaphysical concept called Brahman. Brahman is universal consciousness or ALL PERVADING ENERGY. As a mantra used in yoga and meditation, it is one of the most common and most soothing. It is generally translated as "The supreme Absolute Truth” or “All that is.” The individual words are also three different ways of describing Brahman. Om is the sound of Brahman, the vibration or primordial sound. Tat translates as “that” and symbolizes the universal consciousness. Sat means “truth” and represents pure existence or the supreme soul. What is Om Tat Sat? - Definition from Yogapedia Mantras help link the self to the higher Self by awakening or cultivating higher consciousness. Om Tat Sat is one of the most common mantras. The repetitive chanting of this mantra encourages the mind to enter into a meditative state so that the yogi may begin to connect with the higher Self or the Divine within. It is believed to change the person's vibration. Om Tat Sat is recited during religious practices, including the study of the Vedas and at the end of the yajnas (sacrifices). (Sacrifice does not mean animal sacrifice but it means sacrifice ownership) According to the Bhagavad Gita, all religious work or sacrifice should begin with the sound of Om. The sound of tat reminds the faithful to renounce any reward for the work or sacrifice. The sound of sat declares what is good and true, as is work that is done well. This mantra is also used by yogis in India as a greeting with hari (the manifest cosmos), as in “Hari Om Tat Sat.” The greeting is a reminder that individuals are more than the body and earthly life.
First of all the sound is AUM. There is a way to say it. It's a deep breathing exercise. We all know that's good for us. Start with A (as in arm) your lips should be slightly open, sound should come from your throat. A sound till your stomach has collapsed upto the solar aplex. This will activate all your abdomenal organs. Bowel movements too. Start with U sound, lips slightly parted. Till the base of your chin. This activates your spine and nerves. Last the M sound. Lips shut. Hear the Mnn.. in your brain. This activates your brain. Now your entire system is connected, body, nerves and brain. This connects you to the world around you, the world to the cosmos. You are grounded. Do this first thing as you open your eyes in the morning. See the difference in your out look in life. You have to know how to work things for it to work properly. Most yoga teachers out of India have no idea. another definition of Om- No one ‘created’ the Pranava. The Pranava is the vocal symbol of the Advaita Tattva. The Pranava pervades all beings and is the ever-present hum of pure existence. It represents Sacchidaananda, the greatest Samaadhi. It represents the nature of the Ultimate Truth. It doesn’t belong to the alphabet, and has a unique and never-used-again form. It is comprised of the three syllables which are present at all times, from the time of birth to the time of death. Even when born, a baby can cry with the sounds “AAA, UUUUU, and MMM”. The wind makes those sounds at various times. The sea lashes at the shores and resounds with the Pranava. The Pranava is the foremost among sounds and the all-pervasive symbol of ultimate knowledge and realization. The Pranava is described as the force of creation itself. Vaakh (universal speech and the power of action), when she was created by the gods as the greatest of their combined powers (devim vaachamajanayanta devaah), first manifested in this primoridal entity. Such is the greatness of the Pranava. The Pranava is part of existence and is existence itself. At the Vilaya, Pranava cannot be destroyed, and is present even before creation. The Pranava is the definition of Brahman, and Brahman resides in the Pranava.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Here are some causes why number 7 is special in Sanatana Dharma? 1. Saptahah vasarah- soma (indu), mangala (bhauma), budha (saumya), guru (brrihaspati), shukra, shani, ravi (bhanu)| 2. svara- shadja, rrishabha, gandhar, madhyama, panchama, dhaivata, nishada| 3. karana (pa~chamga)- bava, balava, kaulava, taitila, gara, vanija, vishti| 4. chakra (mukhya)- muladhara, svadhishthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha, ajna, sahasrara| 5. bhava- dasya, sakhya, vatsalya, shanta, kanta, rati, dveshya| 6. mahakavya- raghuvamsha(kalidas), kumarasambhava (kalidasa), kiratarjuniya (bharavi), bhattikavya (bhartrrihari), shishupalavadha (magha), janakiharana (kumaradasa), naishadhacharita (shriharsha)| 7. rasatala- atala, vitala, sutala, rasatala, mahatala, talatala, patala| 8. svarga- bhuh, bhuvah, svah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam| 9. samudra (arnava)- lavanabdhi (namak), ikshusagara (ikha), surarnava (madya), ajyasagara (ghrrita), dadhisamudra (dadhi), kshirasagara (dugdha), svadujala (shuddha)| 10. kulachala (mountains)- mahendra, malaya, sahyah, shuktiman, rrikshavan, vindhya, pariyatra| 11. saptarshi- kashyapa, atri, bharadvaja, vishvamitra, gautama, jamadagni, vasishtha| 12. marichi, atri, amgirasa, pulastya, pulaha, kratu, vasishtha 13. saptadvipa- jambu, plaksha, shalmala, kusha, krau~ncha, shaka, pushkara 14. saptavana- dandakaranya, khandaranya, champakaranya, vedaranya, naimisharanya, brahmaranya, dharmaranya| 15. mokshapuri- ayodhya, mathura, maya(haridvar), kashi, kanchi, avantika (ujjayini), dvaravati (dvaraka)| 16. vyasana- dyuta, veshyagamana, chori, chahadi, paradararamana, laghupakshikrida, kinnarigayana| 17. saptapadi (vedic marriage steps) 18. saptaprakrritih (rajya)- svami, amatya, suhrrit, kosha, rashtra, durga, bala